Launch your Mortgage Business with Broker Owner and Agent Ownership

Revolutionize your real estate brokerage offering with IntroLend, the cutting-edge mortgage platform seamlessly integrated into real estate transactions. As a game-changing broker- and agent-owned digital mortgage marketplace, IntroLend empowers your clients with choice in lending, unparalleled simplicity and white glove service.

Full Access to Software

Consumer Point of Sale

Empower & Nurture borrowers to provide a high value lending experience. Borrowers complete our easy application and complete tasks for loans to become mortgage ready!

  • Easy Application
  • Simple Document Management
  • Online Support
  • Client Choice in Lending
  • Client Viewable Credit Report
  • Client Refinance Rate Monitoring
  • Client Debt Reduction Tools
  • Concierge – Keep Clients Engaged
  • Integrated FICO® Poor Credit Tool

Loan Origination System

Streamline application submission, approvals, and processing. Elevate capabilities, reduce timelines, and access lending options through our dynamic marketplace.

  • Easy Application
  • Qualification Engine with AUS
  • Document Management
  • Pipeline Management
  • Origination & Processing Workflows
  • Correspondant Lending Module
  • Communication System
  • Task Management & Call Scheduling
  • Online & Call Support

Referral Partner Experience

Our cutting-edge mobile app streamlines the homebuying process for real estate agents and referral partners, empowering them to serve their clients more efficiently.

  • Refer new customers to LOS/POS
  • Instant adjustable pre-approval letters
  • Two way communication with Loan Officers
  • Track loan applications from start to funded
  • Additional offerings complimentary to mortgage

Business Reporting Portal

Boost managerial efficiency with our business portal: streamline team admin, review performance and financial reports, and access marketing assets.

  • CRM for referral partners
  • Broadcast notifications to referral partners
  • Performance reporting on lending
  • Marketing guide to grow your business
  • Customization of software (coming soon)

Plus ALL On Services Included

Take advantage of our add-on services to offload back-office tasks, freeing you and your team to focus on sales. Attract consumers, referral partners for deal flow, and loan officers to expand your business.

Compliance Services i

Ensure seamless regulatory adherence with our tailored compliance services, safeguarding operations and enhancing peace of mind.

Finance Services i

Maximize mortgage efficiency with our specialized financial back-office services, ensuring streamlined operations for sustainable growth.

Startup i

Designed to guide and support you from inception to establishment, ensuring a seamless and successful company launch.

Licensing and Bonding i

Ensure compliance and build trust with our licensing and bonding services for your mortgage company.

Lender Management i

Optimize lender onboarding and relationships with our management services for your mortgage company.

Growth Services i

Expand your reach and revenue with our tailored growth services, ensuring sustained success in the industry.

Also Includes

With our included add-on services, you are free to focus on sales. Attract consumers, referral partners for deal flow, and loan officers to expand your business.

Agent Investment

Our innovative technology serves as the bridge between brokerages and agent investment, revolutionizing the way agents secure their financial futures.

Retail Lending

We gather the largest array of wholesale & retail lenders to compete for your loan! So you get the lowest rate while we do the work.